image from Hudson Valley Pilot

New Article Published by Hudson Valley Pilot, “Heating Your Home With Wood is a Problem–Sorry”

A new article published by Hudson Valley Pilot discusses the dangers of burning wood smoke. From the article:

“This month a Utah Department of Environmental Quality study revealed that even using a “cleaner” EPA-certified wood stove produces “150 times more PM 2.5 pollution than heating with natural gas.” Then there’s the fact that even though only 2% of New York State residents heat primarily with wood, over 79% of PM 2.5 comes from just that small number of households. These emissions far outstrip even all the car emissions in the state. And nationwide, according to a 2022 NYSERDA-funded study, even though wood-burning for residential heat is a tiny fraction of how most of us stay warm in winter, it’s the biggest single source of these toxins, outstripping all industrial activity, and the Hudson Valley, with its wealth of working fireplaces and fire pits, can be considered a gross polluter.”

Read the full article HERE

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