“For more than two decades, Bard has been using geothermal systems to access the stable temperatures in the ground for heating and cooling buildings. We are grateful to NYSERDA for the chance to evaluate how we’ve been doing, whether we can convert existing buildings to using ground-source heat pumps, and how to wisely incorporate them into future buildings,” said Laurie Husted, chief sustainability officer in the Bard Office of Sustainability (BOS).
Dan Smith, BOS energy manager, added, “geothermal systems use electricity but are much more efficient and sustainable than conventional systems that consume fossil fuels, and we can further reduce electricity consumption by adding complimentary renewable energy sources—something NYSERDA has helped us with through funding for solar panels and, more recently, through funding our investigation into the use of micro hydropower.”
“Colleges and universities play a pivotal role in helping the state meet its ambitious energy goals set by Governor Cuomo,” said Alicia Barton, president and CEO, NYSERDA. “Investments like these made through the REV Campus Challenge help ensure campus and community resiliency and build a cleaner, more sustainable energy future for generations to come.”
For more information about sustainability initiatives at Bard, visit bos.bard.edu/energy-facilities-and-climate.
NYSERDA’s REV Campus Challenge promotes clean energy efforts by recognizing and supporting colleges and universities in New York State that implement clean energy projects and principles on campus, in the classroom, and in surrounding communities. For more information, visit nyserda.ny.gov/All-Programs/Programs/REV-Campus-Challenge.
Ecosystem Energy Services, based in New York and Boston, is an award-winning engineering firm focused on the design and delivery of high-performing energy projects. For more information, visit ecosystem-energy.com.
Post Date: 02-05-2018