The MBA in Sustainability program at Bard College has won a competitive bid to deliver an on-site, low-residency graduate business degree to a cohort of future energy sector leaders from the New York Power Authority (NYPA), the largest state-owned electric utility in the United States. Between 10 and 15 NYPA employees will begin the two-and-a-half-year, part-time program in February 2019, with a graduation date set for May 2021. Courses will be taught one weekend a month at NYPA’s offices in White Plains, and online two evenings a week. The curriculum features a yearlong lab course in mission-focused consulting, in which students will work in small teams on two semester projects for NYPA partners in marketing, finance, operations, or strategy.
Saw Kill Watershed Community Celebrates a full year of achievements in the field and in Bard’s Lab!
Read the SKWC Newsletter below!